
Videos from the 2016 UMDCYL. (Oldest first)

An introduction to the UMDCYL. (9 minutes)

Just enough to get you started! A tutorial teaching you the basics of tank programming. (20 minutes)

The first challenge: teleporting tanks! (5:44)

Match 1: Post-game updates and match recap. (18:58)

Challenge 2: CUTBACKS! (1:24)

Match 2: Recap! (8:18)

Bop X -- UMDCYL Theme Song (5:01)

Challenge 3: 100-character Tank (2:16)

Challenge 4: Hitpoints! (3:59)

Matches 3 and 4: Recap! (12:05)

Challenge 5: Obstacles! (8:22)

Matches 5 and 6: Recap! (5:25)

Invitational and Season Recap! (16:42)